Cordial Magnolia : Work Status
OCTOBER – 2024
- Earth filling completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Sump tank plastering complete up to fireroom
- GF to 17th floor column raising completed
- 1st to 16th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 1st to 16th floor slab concrete completed
- Terrace roof slab column rising completed
- Terrace roof slab concrete completed
- Stair roof slab completed
- Overhead tank completed
- 3rd to 16th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 3rd to 16th floor block masonry completed
- Terrace parapet block masonry work completed
- 3rd to 16th floor wall plastering completed
- 2nd to 1st floor block masonry completed
- Ground floor block masonry completed
- Ground floor Yard Work in progress
- South Side – ABC Outside
South side external wall plastering from 3rd to 17th floor completed
Ground floor to 3rd floor – 100% completed
- East Side
A, Fire Stair, F type Apartment from 3rd to 17th floor completed
Ground floor to 3rd floor – 100% completed
- North Side
D,E,F type Apartment from 3rd to 17th floor completed
Ground floor to 3rd floor – 100% completed
- West Side
C,D Type – 100% of the outside area completed
Ground floor to 3rd floor – 100% completed
- Electrical work 3rd to 16th floor – completed
- Electrical work 2nd and 1st floor – 90% completed
- Electrical work on Ground floor – 70% completed
- Switch box 16th and 5th floor – 100% completed
- Plumbing work 3rd to 16th floor – completed.
- Plumbing works on 2nd floor – 100% completed
- Plumbing works on 1st floor – 100% completed
- Plumbing works on Ground floor – 85% completed
- CP and Sanitary fittings 16th to 7th Floor – 85% completed
- 3rd to 16th floor waterproofing completed
- Terrace floor – 100% completed
- 3rd to 16th floor fire and safety work completed
- 2nd floor fire and safety work 100% completed
- 1st floor fire and safety work 100% completed
- Ground floor fire and safety work 90% completed
- 3rd floor 3 F apartment toilet wall and floor tile work completed
- 16 th to 4th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 3rd floor apartments, passage, staircase – 90% completed
- 2nd floor passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 1st floor passage, staircase – 100% completed
- Ground floor passage, staircase – 70% completed
- Putty work – 17th floor to 1st floor – 100% completed
- Interior Emulsion work 1st coat paint – 16th floor to 7th floor – 100% completed
- Handrail enamel work – 17th floor to Ground floor – 100% completed
- Outside Texture work – North side – 100% completed
- Outside Texture work – East side – 100% completed
- Outside Texture work – South side – 100% completed
- Outside Texture work – West side – 100% completed
- Exterior Emulsion – North side – 100% completed
- Exterior Emulsion – East side – 100% completed
- Exterior Emulsion – South side – 100% completed
- Exterior Emulsion – West side – 100% completed
- 16th floor apartments work – 100% completed
- 15th to 3rd floor apartments work – 95% completed
- 16th floor apartments work – 100% completed
- 15th to 7rd floor apartments work – 95% completed
- 6th to 3rd floor apartments work – 75% completed
- Ramp Work – 45% completed
- Home Theatre – 100% completed
- Duct Door – 95% completed
- Stilling Chamber – 70% completed
- Earth filling completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Sump tank plastering complete up to fireroom
- GF to 17th floor column raising completed
- 1st to 16th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 1st to 16th floor slab concrete completed
- Terrace roof slab column rising completed
- Terrace roof slab concrete completed
- Stair roof slab completed
- Overhead tank completed
- 3rd to 16th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 3rd to 16th floor block masonry completed
- Terrace parapet block masonry work completed
- 3rd to 16th floor wall plastering completed
- 2nd to 1st floor block masonry completed
- Ground floor block masonry completed
- Ground floor Yard Work in progress
- South Side – ABC Outside
South side external wall plastering from 3rd to 17th floor completed
Ground floor to 3rd floor – 100% completed
- East Side
A, Fire Stair, F type Apartment from 3rd to 17th floor completed
Ground floor to 3rd floor – 100% completed
- North Side
D,E,F type Apartment from 3rd to 17th floor completed
Ground floor to 3rd floor – 90% completed
- West Side
C,D Type – 100% of the outside area completed
Ground floor to 3rd floor – 90% completed
- Electrical work 3rd to 16th floor – completed
- Electrical work 2nd and 1st floor – 90% completed
- Electrical work on Ground floor – 70% completed
- Switch box 16th and 8th floor – 100% completed
- Plumbing work 3rd to 16th floor – completed.
- Plumbing works on 2nd floor – 90% completed
- Plumbing works on 1st floor – 90% completed
- Plumbing works on Ground floor – 45% completed
- 3rd to 15th floor waterproofing completed
- 16th floor waterproofing – 100% completed
- Terrace floor – 100% completed
- 3rd to 16th floor fire and safety work completed
- 2nd floor fire and safety work 100% completed
- 1st floor fire and safety work 100% completed
- Ground floor fire and safety work 90% completed
- 3rd floor 3 F apartment toilet wall and floor tile work completed
- 16th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 15th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 14th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 13th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 12th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 11th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 10th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 9th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 8th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 7th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 6th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 5th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 4th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 3rd floor apartments, passage, staircase – 90% completed
- 2nd floor passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 1st floor passage, staircase – 100% completed
- Ground floor passage, staircase – 50% completed
- Putty work – 17th floor to 1st floor – 100% completed
- Interior Emulsion work 1st coat paint – 16th floor to 7th floor – 100% completed
- Handrail enamel work – 17th floor to Ground floor – 100% completed
- Outside Texture work – North side – 100% completed
- Outside Texture work – East side – 100% completed
- Outside Texture work – South side – 100% completed
- Outside Texture work – West side – 50% completed
- Exterior Emulsion – North side – 100% completed
- Exterior Emulsion – East side – 100% completed
- Exterior Emulsion – South side – 100% completed
- Exterior Emulsion – West side – 70% completed
- 16th floor apartments work – 100% completed
- 15th to 3rd floor apartments work – 95% completed
- 16th floor apartments work – 100% completed
- 15th to 7rd floor apartments work – 95% completed
- 6th to 3rd floor apartments work – 60% completed
August 2024
WORK STATUS – Aug 2024
- Earth filling completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Sump tank plastering complete up to fireroom
- GF to 17th floor column raising completed
- 1st to 16th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 1st to 16th floor slab concrete completed
- Terrace roof slab column rising completed
- Terrace roof slab concrete completed
- Stair roof slab completed
- Overhead tank completed
- 3rd to 16th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 3rd to 16th floor block masonry completed
- Terrace parapet block masonry work completed
- 3rd to 16th floor wall plastering completed
- 2nd to 1st floor block masonry completed
- Ground floor block masonry completed
- Ground floor Yard Work Commenced
- South Side – ABC Outside
South side external wall plastering from 3rd to 17th floor completed
Ground floor to 3rd floor – 100% completed
- East Side
A, Fire Stair, F type Apartment from 3rd to 17th floor completed
Ground floor to 3rd floor – 100% completed
- North Side
D,E,F type Apartment from 3rd to 17th floor completed
Ground floor to 3rd floor – 80% completed
- West Side
C,D Type – 95% of the outside area completed
Ground floor to 3rd floor – 90% completed
- Electrical work 3rd to 16th floor – completed
- Electrical work 2nd and 1st floor – 90% completed
- Electrical work on Ground floor – 50% completed
- Switch box 16th and 8th floor – 100% completed
- Plumbing work 3rd to 16th floor – completed.
- Plumbing works on 2nd floor – 90% completed
- Plumbing works on 1st floor – 90% completed
- Plumbing works on Ground floor – 25% completed
- 3rd to 15th floor waterproofing completed
- 16th floor waterproofing – 100% completed
- Terrace floor – 100% completed
- 3rd to 16th floor fire and safety work completed
- 2nd floor fire and safety work 90% completed
- 1st floor fire and safety work 90% completed
- Ground floor fire and safety work 85% completed
- 3rd floor 3 F apartment toilet wall and floor tile work completed
- 16th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 15th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 14th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 13th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 12th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 11th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 10th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 9th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 8th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 7th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 6th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 90% completed
- 5th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 90% completed
- 4th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 3rd floor apartments, passage, staircase – 90% completed
- 2nd floor passage, staircase – 20% completed
- 1st floor passage, staircase – 20% completed
- Ground floor passage, staircase – 10% completed
- Putty work – 17th floor to 1st floor – 100% completed
- Interior Emulsion work 1st coat paint – 16th floor to 7th floor – 100% completed
- Handrail enamel work – 17th floor to Ground floor – 100% completed
- Outside Texture work – North side – 100% completed
- Outside Texture work – East side – 100% completed
- Outside Texture work – South side – 100% completed
- Outside Texture work – West side – 20% completed
- Exterior Emulsion – North side – 100% completed
- Exterior Emulsion – East side – 100% completed
- Exterior Emulsion – South side – 100% completed
- Exterior Emulsion – West side – 10% completed
- 16th floor apartments work – 80% completed
- 15th to 3rd floor apartments work – 95% completed
- 16th floor apartments work – 95% completed
- 15th to 7rd floor apartments work – 95% completed
- 6th to 3rd floor apartments work – Progress
JUNE – JULY 2024
- Earth filling completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Sump tank plastering complete up to fireroom
- GF to 17th floor column raising completed
- 1st to 16th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 1st to 16th floor slab concrete completed
- Terrace roof slab column rising completed
- Terrace roof slab concrete completed
- Stair roof slab completed
- Over head tank completed
- 3rd to 16th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 3rd to 16th floor block masonry completed
- Terrace parapet block masonry work completed
- 3rd to 16th floor wall plastering completed
- 2nd to 1st floor block masonry completed
- Ground floor block masonry 50% completed
- South Side – ABC Outside
South side external wall plastering from 3rd to 17th floor completed
Ground floor to 3rd floor – 100% completed
- East Side
A, Fire Stair, F type Apartment from 3rd to 17th floor completed
Ground floor to 3rd floor – 100% completed
- North Side
D,E,F type Apartment from 3rd to 17th floor completed
Ground floor to 3rd floor – 70% completed
- West Side
C,D Type – 90% of the outside area completed
Ground floor to 3rd floor – 80% completed
- Electrical work 3rd to 16th floor – completed
- Electrical work 2nd and 1st floor – 90% completed
- Electrical work on Ground floor – 20% completed
- Switch box 16th and 12th floor – 90% completed
- Plumbing work 3rd to 16th floor – completed.
- Plumbing works on 2nd floor – 80% completed
- Plumbing works on 1st floor – 80% completed
- Plumbing works on Ground floor – 10% completed
- 3rd to 15th floor waterproofing completed
- 16th floor waterproofing – 100% completed
- Terrace floor – 100% completed
- 3rd to 16th floor fire and safety work completed
- 2nd floor fire and safety work 80% completed
- 1st floor fire and safety work 80% completed
- Ground floor fire and safety work 80% completed
- 3rd floor 3 F apartment toilet wall and floor tile work completed
- 16th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 15th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 14th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 13th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 12th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 11th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 10th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 9th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 8th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 7th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 6th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 80% completed
- 5th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 80% completed
- 4th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 100% completed
- 3rd floor apartments, passage, staircase – 80% completed
- 2nd floor passage, staircase – 20% completed
- 1st floor passage, staircase – 20% completed
- Ground floor passage, staircase – 10% completed
- Putty work – 17th floor to 1st floor – 95% completed
- Emulsion work – 16th floor to 11th floor – 75% completed
- Handrail enamel work – 17th floor to Ground floor – 90% completed
- Outside Texture work – North side – 95% completed
- Outside Texture work – East side – 80% completed
- Outside Texture work – South side – 20% completed
- Outside Texture work – West side – Not started
- Exterior Emulsion – North side – 80% completed
- Exterior Emulsion – East side – Not started
- Exterior Emulsion – South side – Not started
- Exterior Emulsion – West side – Not started
May 2024
WORK STATUS – May 2024
- Earth filling completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Sump tank plastering complete up to fireroom
- GF to 17th floor column raising completed
- 1st to 16th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 1st to 16th floor slab concrete completed
- Terrace roof slab column rising completed
- Terrace roof slab concrete completed
- Stair roof slab completed
- Overhead tank completed
- 2nd floor plastering 50% completed
- 3rd to 16th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 3rd to 16th floor block masonry completed
- Terrace parapet block masonry work completed
- 3rd to 16th floor wall plastering completed
- South Side – ABC Outside
South side external wall plastering from 3rd to 17th floor completed
- East Side
A, Fire Stair, F type Apartment from 3rd to 17th floor completed
- North Side
D,E,F type Apartment from 3rd to 17th floor completed
- West Side
C,D Type – 90% of the outside area completed
- Electrical work 3rd to 16th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 3rd to 16th floor – completed.
- 3rd to 15th floor waterproofing completed
- 16th floor waterproofing – 100% completed
- Terrace floor – 100% completed
- 3rd to 16th floor fire and safety work completed
- 3rd floor 3 F apartment toilet wall and floor tile work completed
- 16th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 85% completed
- 15th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 90% completed
- 14th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 90% completed
- 13th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 95% completed
- 12th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 90% completed
- 11th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 80% completed
- 10th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 75% completed
- 9th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 65% completed
- 8th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 55% completed
- 7th floor apartments, passage, staircase – 70% completed
- 6th floor – apartments, passage, staircase- 65% completed
- 5th floor – apartments, passage, staircase -55% completed
- 4th floor – apartments, passage, staircase- 60% completed
- 3rd floor – apartments, passage, staircase- 50% completed
- Putty and painting work on 3F completed
- 3rd to 4th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 5th floor putty 1st coat 80% completed
- 6th to 7th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 8th floor putty 1st coat 50% completed
- 9th to 15th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 16th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 16th and 15th floor A, B – 2nd coat putty completed
- East side outside primer – completed
- South side primer – completed
- North side primer – completed
- Painting interior emulsion 1st coat commenced – In Progress
- Painting exterior emulsion 1st coat commenced – In Progress
April 2024
WORK STATUS – April 2024
- Earth filling completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Sump tank plastering complete up to fireroom
- GF to 17th floor column raising completed
- 1st to 16th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 1st to 16th floor slab concrete completed
- Terrace roof slab column rising completed
- Terrace roof slab concrete completed
- Stair roof slab completed
- Overhead tank completed
- 2nd floor plastering 50% completed
- 3rd to 16th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 3rd to 16th floor block masonry completed
- Terrace parapet block masonry work completed
- 3rd to 16th floor wall plastering completed
- South Side – ABC Outside
South side external wall plastering from 3rd to 17th floor completed
- East Side
A, Fire Stair, F type Apartment from 3rd to 17th floor completed
- North Side
D, E, F type Apartment from 3rd to 17th floor completed
- West Side
C, D Type – 90% of the outside area completed
- Electrical work 3rd to 16th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 3rd to 16th floor – completed.
- 3rd to 16th floor waterproofing completed
- Terrace floor – 100% completed
- 3rd to 16th floor fire and safety work completed
- 3rd floor 3 F apartment toilet wall and floor tile work completed
- 16th floor – 50% complete
- 15th floor – 80% complete
- 14th floor – 75% complete
- 13th floor – 65% complete
- 12th floor – 60% complete
- 11th floor – 80% complete
- 10th floor – 80% complete
- 9th floor – 70% complete
- 8th floor – 50% complete
- 7th floor – 70% complete
- 6th floor – 60% complete
- Putty and painting work on 3F completed
- 3rd to 4th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 5th floor putty 1st coat 80% complete
- 6th to 7th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 8th floor putty 1st coat 60% complete
- 9th to 16th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 16th and 15th floor A, B – 2nd coat putty completed
- East side outside primer – completed
- South side primer – completed
- North side primer – completed
- Painting inside Apartment – 1st coat emulsion commenced – In progress
March 2024
WORK STATUS – March 2024
- Earth filling completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Sump tank plastering complete up to fireroom
- GF to 17th floor column raising completed
- 1st to 16th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 1st to 16th floor slab concrete completed
- Terrace roof slab column rising completed
- Terrace roof slab concrete completed
- Stair roof slab completed
- Overhead tank completed
- 2nd floor plastering 50% completed
- 3rd to 16th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 3rd to 16th floor block masonry completed
- Terrace parapet block masonry work completed
- 3rd to 16th floor wall plastering completed
- South Side – ABC Outside
South side external wall plastering from 3rd to 17th floor completed
- East Side
A, Fire Stair, F type Apartment from 3rd to 17th floor completed
- North Side
D, E, F type Apartment from 3rd to 17th floor completed
- West Side
C, D Type – 75% of the outside area completed
- Electrical work 3rd to 16th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 3rd to 16th floor – completed.
- 3rd to 15th floor waterproofing completed
- 16th floor waterproofing – 90% completed
- Terrace floor – 80% completed
- 3rd to 16th floor fire and safety work completed
- 3rd floor 3 F apartment toilet wall and floor tile work completed
- 16th floor – 50% complete
- 15th floor – 80% complete
- 14th floor – 75% complete
- 13th floor – 65% complete
- 12th floor – 60% complete
- 11th floor – 70% complete
- 10th floor – 30% complete
- Putty and painting work on 3F completed
- 3rd to 4th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 5th floor putty 1st coat 80% complete
- 6th to 7th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 8th floor putty 1st coat 50% complete
- 9th to 15th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 16th floor putty 1st coat 60% complete
- 16th and 15th floor A, B – 2nd coat putty completed
- East side outside primer – completed
- South side primer – completed
- North side primer – 50% completed
February 2024
WORK STATUS – February 2024
- Earth filling completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Column raising ground floor completed
- First floor slab completed
- Column raising first floor completed
- Second floor slab completed
- Column raising second floor completed
- Third floor slab completed
- Column raising third floor completed
- Fourth floor slab completed
- Column raising fourth floor completed
- Fifth floor slab completed
- Column raising sixth slab completed
- Third floor apartment type F, E and D ceiling plastering completed
- Sump tank plastering complete up to fireroom
- 6th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 6th floor slab concrete completed
- 6th to 7th column raising completed
- 7th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 7th floor slab concrete completed
- 7th to 8th floor column raising completed
- 8th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 8th floor slab concrete completed
- 8th to 9th floor column raising completed
- 9th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 9th floor slab concrete completed
- 9th to 10th floor column raising completed
- 10th floor slab concrete completed
- 10th to 11th floor column raising completed
- 11th floor slab concrete completed
- 11th to 12th floor column raising completed
- 12th floor slab concrete completed
- 12th to 13th floor column raising completed
- 13th floor slab concrete completed
- 13th to 14th floor column raising completed
- 14th floor slab concrete completed
- 14th to 15th column raising completed
- 15th floor slab concrete completed
- 15th to 16th column raising completed
- 16th floor slab concrete completed
- Terrace roof slab column rising completed
- Terrace roof slab concrete completed
- Stair roof slab completed
- Over head tank completed
- 3rd floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 4th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 5th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 6th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 7th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 8th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 9th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 10th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 11th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 12th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 13th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 14th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 15th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 16th floor apartment ceiling plastering complete
- 3rd floor block masonry completed
- 4th floor block masonry completed
- 5th floor block masonry completed
- 6th floor block masonry completed
- 7th floor block masonry completed
- 8th floor block masonry completed
- 9th floor block masonry completed
- 10th floor block masonry completed
- 11th floor block masonry completed
- 12th floor block masonry completed
- 13th floor block masonry completed
- 14th floor block masonry completed
- 15th floor block masonry completed
- 16th floor block masonry completed
- Terrace parapet block masonry work completed
- 3rd floor wall plastering completed
- 4th floor wall plastering work completed
- 5th floor wall plastering completed
- 6th floor wall plastering completed
- 7th floor wall plastering completed
- 8th floor wall plastering completed
- 9th floor wall plastering completed
- 10th floor wall plastering completed
- 11th floor wall plastering completed
- 12th floor wall plastering completed
- 13th floor wall plastering completed
- 14th floor wall plastering completed
- 15th floor wall plastering completed
- 16th floor wall plastering completed
- South Side – ABC Outside
South side external wall plastering from 3rd to 17th floor completed
- East Side
A, Fire Stair, F type Apartment from 3rd to 17th floor completed
- North Side
D, E, F Type – 50% of the outside area completed
- West Side
C, D Type – 40% of the outside area completed
- Electrical work 3rd floor – completed
- Electrical work 4th floor-completed
- Electrical work-5th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 6th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 7th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 8th floor – complete
- Electrical work- 9th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 10th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 11th floor – complete
- Electrical work- 12th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 13th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 14th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 15th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 16th floor –completed
- Plumbing work 3th floor – completed.
- Plumbing work 4th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 5th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 6th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 7th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 8th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 9th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 10th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 11th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 12th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 13th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 14th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 15th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 16th floor – completed
- 3rd floor waterproofing completed
- 4th floor waterproofing completed
- 5th floor waterproofing completed
- 6th floor waterproofing completed
- 7th floor waterproofing completed
- 8th floor waterproofing completed
- 9th floor waterproofing completed
- 10th floor waterproofing completed
- 11th floor waterproofing completed
- 12th floor waterproofing completed
- 13th floor waterproofing completed
- 14th floor waterproofing completed
- 15th floor waterproofing – 85% completed
- 16th floor waterproofing – 90% completed
- 3rd floor fire and safety work completed
- 4th floor fire and safety work completed
- 5th floor fire and safety work completed
- 6th floor fire and safety work completed
- 7th floor fire and safety work completed
- 8th floor fire and safety work completed
- 9th floor fire and safety work completed
- 10th floor fire and safety work completed
- 11th floor fire and safety work completed
- 12th floor fire and safety work completed
- 13th floor fire and safety work completed
- 14th floor fire and safety work completed
- 15th floor fire and safety work completed
- 16th floor fire and safety work completed
- 3rd floor 3 F apartment toilet wall and floor tile work completed
- 16th floor – 40% complete
- 15th floor toilet wall tile laying – 50% complete
- 14th floor toilet tile – 50% complete
- 13th floor toilet wall tile – 50% complete
- Putty and painting work on 3F completed
- 3rd floor putty 1st coat completed
- 4th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 5th floor putty 1st coat 80% complete
- 6th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 7th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 8th floor putty 1st coat 50% complete
- 9th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 10th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 11th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 12th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 13th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 14th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 15th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 16th floor putty 1st coat 60% complete
January 2024
WORK STATUS – January 2024
- Earth filling completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Column raising ground floor completed
- First floor slab completed
- Column raising first floor completed
- Second floor slab completed
- Column raising second floor completed
- Third floor slab completed
- Column raising third floor completed
- Fourth floor slab completed
- Column raising fourth floor completed
- Fifth floor slab completed
- Column raising sixth slab completed
- Third floor apartment type F, E and D ceiling plastering completed
- Sump tank plastering complete up to fireroom
- 6th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 6th floor slab concrete completed
- 6th to 7th column raising completed
- 7th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 7th floor slab concrete completed
- 7th to 8th floor column raising completed
- 8th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 8th floor slab concrete completed
- 8th to 9th floor column raising completed
- 9th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 9th floor slab concrete completed
- 9th to 10th floor column raising completed
- 10th floor slab concrete completed
- 10th to 11th floor column raising completed
- 11th floor slab concrete completed
- 11th to 12th floor column raising completed
- 12th floor slab concrete completed
- 12th to 13th floor column raising completed
- 13th floor slab concrete completed
- 13th to 14th floor column raising completed
- 14th floor slab concrete completed
- 14th to 15th column raising completed
- 15th floor slab concrete completed
- 15th to 16th column raising completed
- 16th floor slab concrete completed
- Terrace roof slab column rising completed
- Terrace roof slab concrete completed
- Stair roof slab completed
- Overhead tank completed
- 3rd floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 4th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 5th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 6th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 7th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 8th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 9th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 10th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 11th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 12th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 13th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 14th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 15th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 16th floor apartment ceiling plastering complete
- 3rd floor block masonry completed
- 4th floor block masonry completed
- 5th floor block masonry completed
- 6th floor block masonry completed
- 7th floor block masonry completed
- 8th floor block masonry completed
- 9th floor block masonry completed
- 10th floor block masonry completed
- 11th floor block masonry completed
- 12th floor block masonry completed
- 13th floor block masonry completed
- 14th floor block masonry completed
- 15th floor block masonry completed
- 16th floor block masonry completed
- Terrace parapet block masonry work completed
- 3rd floor wall plastering completed
- 4th floor wall plastering work completed
- 5th floor wall plastering completed
- 6th floor wall plastering completed
- 7th floor wall plastering completed
- 8th floor wall plastering completed
- 9th floor wall plastering completed
- 10th floor wall plastering completed
- 11th floor wall plastering completed
- 12th floor wall plastering completed
- 13th floor wall plastering completed
- 14th floor wall plastering completed
- 15th floor wall plastering completed
- 16th floor wall plastering completed
- South Side – ABC Outside
South side external wall plastering from 3rd to 17th floor completed
- East Side
A, Fire Stair, F type Apartment from 3rd to 17th floor completed
- North Side
D, E, F Type – 30% of the outside area completed
- Electrical work 3rd floor – completed
- Electrical work 4th floor-completed
- Electrical work-5th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 6th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 7th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 8th floor – complete
- Electrical work- 9th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 10th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 11th floor – complete
- Electrical work- 12th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 13th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 14th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 15th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 16th floor –completed
- Plumbing work 3th floor – completed.
- Plumbing work 4th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 5th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 6th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 7th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 8th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 9th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 10th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 11th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 12th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 13th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 14th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 15th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 16th floor – 50% complete
- 3rd floor waterproofing completed
- 4th floor waterproofing completed
- 5th floor waterproofing completed
- 6th floor waterproofing completed
- 7th floor waterproofing completed
- 8th floor waterproofing completed
- 9th floor waterproofing completed
- 10th floor waterproofing completed
- 11th floor waterproofing completed
- 12th floor waterproofing completed
- 13th floor waterproofing completed
- 14th floor waterproofing – 85% completed
- 15th floor waterproofing – 85% completed
- 16th floor waterproofing – 85% completed
- 3rd floor fire and safety work completed
- 4th floor fire and safety work completed
- 5th floor fire and safety work completed
- 6th floor fire and safety work completed
- 7th floor fire and safety work completed
- 8th floor fire and safety work completed
- 9th floor fire and safety work completed
- 10th floor fire and safety work completed
- 11th floor fire and safety work completed
- 12th floor fire and safety work completed
- 13th floor fire and safety work completed
- 14th floor fire and safety work 75% complete
- 15th floor fire and safety work 75% complete
- 16th floor fire and safety work 75% complete
- 3rd floor 3 F apartment toilet wall and floor tile work completed
- 16th floor – 35% complete
- Putty and painting work on 3F completed
- 3rd floor putty 1st coat completed
- 4th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 5th floor putty 1st coat 80% complete
- 6th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 7th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 8th floor putty 1st coat 50% complete
- 9th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 10th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 11th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 12th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 13th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 14th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 15th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 16th floor putty 1st coat 50% complete
December 2023
- Earth filling completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Column raising ground floor completed
- First floor slab completed
- Column raising first floor completed
- Second floor slab completed
- Column raising second floor completed
- Third floor slab completed
- Column raising third floor completed
- Fourth floor slab completed
- Column raising fourth floor completed
- Fifth floor slab completed
- Column raising sixth slab completed
- Third floor apartment type F, E and D ceiling plastering completed
- Sump tank plastering complete up to fireroom
- 6th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 6th floor slab concrete completed
- 6th to 7th column raising completed
- 7th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 7th floor slab concrete completed
- 7th to 8th floor column raising completed
- 8th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 8th floor slab concrete completed
- 8th to 9th floor column raising completed
- 9th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 9th floor slab concrete completed
- 9th to 10th floor column raising completed
- 10th floor slab concrete completed
- 10th to 11th floor column raising completed
- 11th floor slab concrete completed
- 11th to 12th floor column raising completed
- 12th floor slab concrete completed
- 12th to 13th floor column raising completed
- 13th floor slab concrete completed
- 13th to 14th floor column raising completed
- 14th floor slab concrete completed
- 14th to 15th column raising completed
- 15th floor slab concrete completed
- 15th to 16th column raising completed
- 16th floor slab concrete completed
- Terrace roof slab column rising completed
- Terrace roof slab concrete completed
- Stair roof slab completed
- Overhead tank completed
- 3rd floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 4th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 5th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 6th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 7th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 8th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 9th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 10th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 11th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 12th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 13th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 14th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 15th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 16th floor apartment ceiling plastering complete
- 3rd floor block masonry completed
- 4th floor block masonry completed
- 5th floor block masonry completed
- 6th floor block masonry completed
- 7th floor block masonry completed
- 8th floor block masonry completed
- 9th floor block masonry completed
- 10th floor block masonry completed
- 11th floor block masonry completed
- 12th floor block masonry completed
- 13th floor block masonry completed
- 14th floor block masonry completed
- 15th floor block masonry completed
- 16th floor block masonry completed
- Terrace parapet block masonry work completed
- 3rd floor wall plastering completed
- 4th floor wall plastering work completed
- 5th floor wall plastering completed
- 6th floor wall plastering completed
- 7th floor wall plastering completed
- 8th floor wall plastering completed
- 9th floor wall plastering completed
- 10th floor wall plastering completed
- 11th floor wall plastering completed
- 12th floor wall plastering completed
- 13th floor wall plastering completed
- 14th floor wall plastering completed
- 15th floor wall plastering completed
- 16th floor wall plastering completed
- Electrical work 3rd floor – completed
- Electrical work 4th floor-completed
- Electrical work-5th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 6th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 7th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 8th floor – 75% complete
- Electrical work- 9th floor – complete
- Electrical work- 10th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 11th floor – complete
- Electrical work- 12th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 13th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 14th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 15th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 16th floor –50% complete
- Plumbing work 3rd floor – completed.
- Plumbing work 4th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 5th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 6th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 7th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 8th floor – 95%completed
- Plumbing work 9th floor – 85%completed
- Plumbing work 10th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 11th floor – completed
- 3rd to 16th floor core cutting and sleeve fix completed
- 3rd floor waterproofing completed
- 4th floor waterproofing completed
- 5th floor waterproofing completed
- 6th floor waterproofing completed
- 7th floor waterproofing completed
- 8th floor waterproofing completed
- 9th floor waterproofing completed
- 10th floor waterproofing completed
- 11th floor waterproofing completed
- 12th floor waterproofing completed
- 13th floor waterproofing – 50% completed
- 3rd floor fire and safety work completed
- 4th floor fire and safety work completed
- 5th floor fire and safety work completed
- 6th floor fire and safety work completed
- 7th floor fire and safety work completed
- 8th floor fire and safety work completed
- 9th floor fire and safety work completed
- 10th floor fire and safety work completed
- 11th floor fire and safety work completed
- 12th floor fire and safety work completed
- 13th floor fire and safety work – 85% completed
- 3rd floor 3 F apartment toilet wall and floor tile work completed
- Putty and painting work on 3F completed
- 3rd floor putty 1st coat completed
- 4th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 5th floor putty 1st coat 80% complete
- 6th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 7th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 8th floor putty 1st coat 50% complete
- 9th floor putty 1st coat 80% complete
- 10th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 11th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 12th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 13th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 14th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 15th floor putty work in progress – 20%
November 2023
WORK STATUS – November 2023
- Earth filling completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Column raising ground floor completed
- First floor slab completed
- Column raising first floor completed
- Second floor slab completed
- Column raising second floor completed
- Third floor slab completed
- Column raising third floor completed
- Fourth floor slab completed
- Column raising fourth floor completed
- Fifth floor slab completed
- Column raising sixth slab completed
- Third floor apartment type F, E and D ceiling plastering completed
- Sump tank plastering complete up to fireroom
- 6th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 6th floor slab concrete completed
- 6th to 7th column raising completed
- 7th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 7th floor slab concrete completed
- 7th to 8th floor column raising completed
- 8th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 8th floor slab concrete completed
- 8th to 9th floor column raising completed
- 9th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 9th floor slab concrete completed
- 9th to 10th floor column raising completed
- 10th floor slab concrete completed
- 10th to 11th floor column raising completed
- 11th floor slab concrete completed
- 11th to 12th floor column raising completed
- 12th floor slab concrete completed
- 12th to 13th floor column raising completed
- 13th floor slab concrete completed
- 13th to 14th floor column raising completed
- 14th floor slab concrete completed
- 14th to 15th column raising completed
- 15th floor slab concrete completed
- 15th to 16th column raising completed
- 16th floor slab concrete completed
- Terrace roof slab column rising completed
- Terrace roof slab concrete completed
- Stair roof slab completed
- OHT work completed
- 3rd floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 4th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 5th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 6th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 7th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 8th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 9th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 10th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 11th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 12th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 13th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 14th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 15th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 16th floor apartment ceiling plastering complete
- 3rd floor block masonry completed
- 4th floor block masonry completed
- 5th floor block masonry completed
- 6th floor block masonry completed
- 7th floor block masonry completed
- 8th floor block masonry completed
- 9th floor block masonry completed
- 10th floor block masonry completed
- 11th floor block masonry completed
- 12th floor block masonry completed
- 13th floor block masonry completed
- 14th floor block masonry completed
- 15th floor block masonry completed
- 16th floor block masonry completed
- Terrace parapet block masonry work completed
- 3rd floor wall plastering completed
- 4th floor wall plastering work completed
- 5th floor wall plastering completed
- 6th floor wall plastering completed
- 7th floor wall plastering completed
- 8th floor wall plastering completed
- 9th floor wall plastering completed
- 10th floor wall plastering completed
- 11th floor wall plastering completed
- 12th floor wall plastering completed
- 13th floor wall plastering completed
- 14th floor wall plastering completed
- 15th floor wall plastering completed
- 16th floor wall plastering work progressing – 50%
- Electrical work 3rd floor – completed
- Electrical work 4th floor-completed
- Electrical work-5th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 6th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 7th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 8th floor – 50% complete
- Electrical work- 9th floor – 90% complete
- Electrical work- 10th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 11th floor – 90% complete
- Electrical work- 12th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 13th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 14th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 15th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 16th floor –50% complete
- Plumbing work 3rd floor – completed.
- Plumbing work 4th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 5th floor –completed
- Plumbing work 6th floor –completed
- Plumbing work 7th floor –50% completed
- Plumbing work 8th floor – 95% completed
- Plumbing work 9th floor – 85% completed
- 3 to 12th floor core cutting and sleeve fix completed
- 3rd floor waterproofing completed
- 4th floor waterproofing completed
- 5th floor waterproofing completed
- 6th floor waterproofing completed
- 7th floor waterproofing completed
- 8th floor waterproofing completed
- 9th floor waterproofing completed
- 10th floor waterproofing completed
- 11th floor waterproofing – 70% completed
- 3rd floor fire and safety work completed
- 4th floor fire and safety work completed
- 5th floor fire and safety work completed
- 6th floor fire and safety work completed
- 7th floor fire and safety work completed
- 8th floor fire and safety work completed
- 9th floor fire and safety work completed
- 10th floor fire and safety work completed
- 11th floor fire and safety work completed
- 3rd floor 3 F apartment toilet wall and floor
- Putty and painting work on 3F under progress
- 3rd floor putty 1st coat completed
- 4th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 5th floor putty 1st coat 80% complete
- 6th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 7th floor putty 1st coat completed
- 8th floor putty 1st coat 50% complete
- 9th floor putty 1st coat 80% complete
- 10th floor putty 1st coat completed
October 2023
WORK STATUS – October 2023
- Earth filling completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Column raising ground floor completed
- First floor slab completed
- Column raising first floor completed
- Second floor slab completed
- Column raising second floor completed
- Third floor slab completed
- Column raising third floor completed
- Fourth floor slab completed
- Column raising fourth floor completed
- Fifth floor slab completed
- Column raising sixth slab completed
- Third floor apartment type F, E and D ceiling plastering completed
- Sump tank plastering complete up to fireroom
- 6th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 6th floor slab concrete completed
- 6th to 7th column raising completed
- 7th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 7th floor slab concrete completed
- 7th to 8th floor column raising completed
- 8th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 8th floor slab concrete completed
- 8th to 9th floor column raising completed
- 9th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 9th floor slab concrete completed
- 9th to 10th floor column raising completed
- 10th floor slab concrete completed
- 10th to 11th floor column raising completed
- 11th floor slab concrete completed
- 11th to 12th floor column raising completed
- 12th floor slab concrete completed
- 12th to 13th floor column raising completed
- 13th floor slab concrete completed
- 13th to 14th floor column raising completed
- 14th floor slab concrete completed
- 14th to 15th column raising completed
- 15th floor slab concrete completed
- 15th to 16th column raising completed
- 16th floor slab concrete completed
- Terrace roof slab column rising completed
- Terrace roof slab concrete completed
- Stair roof slab completed
- OHT work under progress
- 3rd floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 4th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 5th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 6th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 7th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 8th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 9th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 10th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 11th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 12th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 13th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 14th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 15th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 16th floor apartment ceiling plastering in progress -50%
- 3rd floor block masonry completed
- 4th floor block masonry completed
- 5th floor block masonry completed
- 6th floor block masonry completed
- 7th floor block masonry completed
- 8th floor block masonry completed
- 9th floor block masonry completed
- 10th floor block masonry completed
- 11th floor block masonry completed
- 12th floor block masonry completed
- 13th floor block masonry completed
- 14th floor block masonry completed
- 15th floor block masonry completed
- 16th floor block masonry work progressing -50%
- Terrace parapet block masonry work progressing – 20%
- 3rd floor wall plastering completed
- 4th floor wall plastering work completed
- 5th floor wall plastering completed
- 6th floor wall plastering completed
- 7th floor wall plastering completed
- 8th floor wall plastering completed
- 9th floor wall plastering completed
- 10th floor wall plastering completed
- 11th floor wall plastering completed
- 12th floor wall plastering completed
- 13th floor wall plastering work progressing – 50%
- 14th floor wall plastering work progressing – 25%
- Electrical work 3rd floor – completed
- Electrical work 4th floor-completed
- Electrical work-5th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 6th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 7th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 8th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 9th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 10th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 11th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 12th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 13th floor – 50% completed
- Electrical work- 14th floor – 25% completed
- Plumbing work 3th floor – completed.
- Plumbing work 4th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 5th floor – 30% complete
- Plumbing work 5th floor – 20% complete
- 3 to 9th floor core cutting and sleeve fix completed
- 3rd floor waterproofing completed
- 4th floor waterproofing completed
- 5th floor waterproofing completed
- 6th floor waterproofing completed
- 7th floor waterproofing completed
- 8th floor waterproofing completed
- 9th floor waterproofing completed
- 10th floor waterproofing completed
- 11th floor waterproofing – 50% completed
- 3rd floor fire and safety work completed
- 4th floor fire and safety work completed
- 5th floor fire and safety work in progress -25%
- 6th floor fire and safety work completed
- 7th floor fire and safety work completed
- 3rd floor 3 F apartment toilet wall and floor under progress
- Putty and painting work on 3F under progress
September 2023
WORK STATUS – September 2023
- Earth filling completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Column raising ground floor completed
- First floor slab completed
- Column raising first floor completed
- Second floor slab completed
- Column raising second floor completed
- Third floor slab completed
- Column raising third floor completed
- Fourth floor slab completed
- Column raising fourth floor completed
- Fifth floor slab completed
- Column raising sixth slab completed
- Third floor apartment type F, E and D ceiling plastering completed
- Sump tank plastering complete up to fireroom
- 6th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 6th floor slab concrete completed
- 6th to 7th column raising completed
- 7th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 7th floor slab concrete completed
- 7th to 8th floor column raising completed
- 8th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 8th floor slab concrete completed
- 8th to 9th floor column raising completed
- 9th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 9th floor slab concrete completed
- 9th to 10th floor column raising completed
- 10th floor slab concrete completed
- 10th to 11th floor column raising completed
- 11th floor slab concrete completed
- 11th to 12th floor column raising completed
- 12th floor slab concrete completed
- 12th to 13th floor column raising completed
- 13th floor slab concrete completed
- 14th floor part 1st slab concrete completed
- 14th floor part 2nd shuttering work completed
- 14th to 15th column raising completed
- 15th floor slab concrete completed
- 16th floor slab concrete completed
- Cover slab column rising completed
- Stair roof slab in progress
- 3rd floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 4th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 5th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 6th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 7th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 8th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 9th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 10th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 11th floor ceiling plastering completed
- 12th floor ceiling plastering completed
- 13th floor ceiling plastering completed
- 14th floor ceiling plastering completed
- 15th floor ceiling plastering in progress -50%
- 3rd floor block masonry completed
- 4th floor block masonry completed
- 5th floor block masonry completed
- 6th floor block masonry completed
- 7th floor block masonry completed
- 8th floor block masonry completed
- 9th floor block masonry completed
- 10th floor block masonry completed
- 11th floor block masonry completed
- 12th floor block masonry completed
- 13th floor block masonry completed
- 14th floor block masonry completed
- 15th floor block masonry work progressing -50%
- 3rd floor wall plastering completed
- 4th floor wall plastering work completed
- 5th floor wall plastering completed
- 6th floor wall plastering completed
- 7th floor wall plastering completed
- 8th floor wall plastering completed
- 9th floor wall plastering completed
- 10th floor wall plastering completed
- 11th floor wall plastering completed
- 12th floor wall plastering in progress -10%
- Electrical work 3rd floor – completed
- Electrical work 4th floor-completed
- Electrical work-5th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 6th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 7th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 8th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 9th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 10th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 11th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 12th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 13th floor – 50% completed
- Plumbing work 3th floor – completed.
- Plumbing work 4th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 5th floor – completed
- 3 to 9th floor core cutting and sleeve fix completed
- 3rd floor waterproofing completed
- 4th floor waterproofing completed
- 5th floor waterproofing completed
- 6th floor waterproofing completed
- 7th floor waterproofing completed
- Waterproofing 8th floor – 50%
- 3rd floor fire and safety work completed
- 4th floor fire and safety work in progress -50%
- 5th floor fire and safety work in progress -25%
- 6th floor fire and safety work completed
- 3rd floor 3 F apartment toilet wall and floor tile work completed
Magnolia August 2023
- Earth filling completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Column raising ground floor completed
- First floor slab completed
- Column raising first floor completed
- Second floor slab completed
- Column raising second floor completed
- Third floor slab completed
- Column raising third floor completed
- Fourth floor slab completed
- Column raising fourth floor completed
- Fifth floor slab completed
- Column raising sixth slab completed
- Third floor apartment type F, E and D ceiling plastering completed
- Sump tank plastering complete up to fireroom
- 6th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 6th floor slab concrete completed
- 6th to 7th column raising completed
- 7th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 7th floor slab concrete completed
- 7th to 8th floor column raising completed
- 8th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 8th floor slab concrete completed
- 8th to 9th floor column raising completed
- 9th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 9th floor slab concrete completed
- 9th to 10th floor column raising completed
- 10th floor slab concrete completed
- 10th to 11th floor column raising completed
- 11th floor slab concrete completed
- 11th to 12th floor column raising completed
- 12th floor slab concrete completed
- 12th to 13th floor column raising completed
- 13th floor slab concrete completed
- 14th floor part 1st slab concrete completed
- 14th floor part 2nd shuttering work completed
- 14th to 15th column raising completed
- 15th floor slab concrete completed
- 16th floor slab concrete completed
- Terrace floor slab concrete is progress
- 3rd floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 4th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 5th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 6th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 7th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 8th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 9th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 10th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 11th floor ceiling plastering completed
- 12th floor ceiling plastering completed
- 13th floor ceiling plastering completed
- 14th floor ceiling plastering completed
- 15th floor ceiling plastering is progress
- 3rd floor block masonry completed
- 4th floor block masonry completed
- 5th floor block masonry completed
- 6th floor block masonry completed
- 7th floor block masonry completed
- 8th floor block masonry completed
- 9th floor block masonry completed
- 10th floor block masonry completed
- 11th floor block masonry completed
- 12th floor block masonry completed
- 13th floor block masonry completed
- 14th floor block masonry is progress – 50%
- 3rd floor wall plastering completed
- 4th floor wall plastering work completed
- 5th floor wall plastering completed
- 6th floor wall plastering completed
- 7th floor wall plastering completed
- 8th floor wall plastering in completed
- 9th floor wall plastering in completed
- 10th floor wall plastering in progress – 90%
- 11th floor wall plastering in progress – 10%
- Electrical work 3rd floor – completed
- Electrical work 4th floor-completed
- Electrical work-5th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 6th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 7th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 8th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 9th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 10th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 11th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 12th floor – 50% completed
- Plumbing work 3th floor – completed.
- Plumbing work 4th floor – completed
- Plumbing work 5th floor – completed
- 3 to 6th floor core cutting and sleeve fix completed
- Waterproofing 3th floor Toilet – completed.
- Waterproofing 4th floor – 50%
July 2023
- Earth filling completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Column raising ground floor completed
- First floor slab completed
- Column raising first floor completed
- Second floor slab completed
- Column raising second floor completed
- Third floor slab completed
- Column raising third floor completed
- Fourth floor slab completed
- Column raising fourth floor completed
- Fifth floor slab completed
- Column raising sixth slab completed
- Third floor apartment type F, E and D ceiling plastering completed
- Sump tank plastering complete up to fireroom
- 6th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 6th floor slab concrete completed
- 6th to 7th column raising completed
- 7th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 7th floor slab concrete completed
- 7th to 8th floor column raising completed
- 8th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 8th floor slab concrete completed
- 8th to 9th floor column raising completed
- 9th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 9th floor slab concrete completed
- 9th to 10th floor column raising completed
- 10th floor slab concrete completed
- 10th to 11th floor column raising completed
- 11th floor slab concrete completed
- 11th to 12th floor column raising completed
- 12th floor slab concrete completed
- 12th to 13th floor column raising completed
- 13th floor slab concrete completed
- 14th floor part 1st slab concrete completed
- 14th floor part 2nd shuttering work completed
- 14th to 15th column raising completed
- 15th floor slab concrete completed
- 16th floor slab concrete completed
- Terrace floor slab column rising in progress
- 3rd floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 4th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 5th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 6th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 7th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 8th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 9th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 10th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 11th floor ceiling plastering completed
- 12th floor ceiling plastering completed
- 13th floor ceiling plastering in progress -80%
- 14th floor ceiling plastering in progress -30%
- 3rd floor block masonry completed
- 4th floor block masonry completed
- 5th floor block masonry completed
- 6th floor block masonry completed
- 7th floor block masonry completed
- 8th floor block masonry completed
- 9th floor block masonry completed
- 10th floor block masonry completed
- 11th floor block masonry completed
- 12th floor block masonry work progressing -80%
- 13th floor block masonry work progressing – 30%
- 3rd floor wall plastering completed
- 4th floor wall plastering work completed
- 5th floor wall plastering completed
- 6th floor wall plastering completed
- 7th floor wall plastering completed
- 8th floor wall plastering in progress – 50%
- 9th floor wall plastering in progress -10%
- Electrical work 3rd floor – completed
- Electrical work 4th floor – completed
- Electrical work-5th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 6th floor –completed
- Electrical work- 7th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 8th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 9th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 10th floor – completed
- Electrical work- 11th floor – 50% completed
- Plumbing work 3F Apartment wall chasing and pipe laying completed.
- Plumbing work 3A,3B,3C,3D&3E apartment in progress 80%
- Plumbing work 4th Floor in progress 25%
May 2023
- Earth filling completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Column raising ground floor completed
- First floor slab completed
- Column raising first floor completed
- Second floor slab completed
- Column raising second floor completed
- Third floor slab completed
- Column raising third floor completed
- Fourth floor slab completed
- Column raising fourth floor completed
- Fifth floor slab completed
- Column raising sixth slab completed
- Third floor apartment type F, E and D ceiling plastering completed
- Sump tank plastering complete up to fireroom
- 6th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 6th floor slab concrete completed
- 6th to 7th column raising completed
- 7th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 7th floor slab concrete completed
- 7th to 8th floor column raising completed
- 8th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 8th floor slab concrete completed
- 8th to 9th floor column raising completed
- 9th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 9th floor slab concrete completed
- 9th to 10th floor column raising completed
- 10th floor slab concrete completed
- 10th to 11th floor column raising completed
- 11th floor slab concrete completed
- 11th to 12th floor column raising completed
- 12th floor slab concrete completed
- 12th to 13th floor column raising completed
- 13th floor slab concrete completed
- 14th floor part 1st slab concrete completed
- 14th floor part 2nd shuttering work completed
- 14th to 15th part 1st column reinforcement completed
- 3rd floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 4th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 5th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 6th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 7th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 8th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 9th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 10th floor apartment ceiling plastering -60% completed
- 3rd floor block masonry completed
- 4th floor block masonry completed
- 5th floor block masonry completed
- 6th floor block masonry completed
- 7th floor block masonry completed
- 8th floor block masonry completed
- 9th floor block masonry completed
- 3rd floor wall plastering completed
- 4 A and 4 B wall plastering work in progress – 50% completed
- Electrical work 3rd floor – completed
- Electrical work 4th floor-completed
- Electrical work-5th floor –box fixing work in progress
- Plumbing work 3F Apartment wall chasing and pipe laying completed.
- Plumbing work 3A,3B,3C,3D&3E apartment in progress 20%
April 2023
- Earth filling completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Column raising ground floor completed
- First floor slab completed
- Column raising first floor completed
- Second floor slab completed
- Column raising second floor completed
- Third floor slab completed
- Column raising third floor completed
- Fourth floor slab completed
- Column raising fourth floor completed
- Fifth floor slab completed
- Column raising sixth slab completed
- Third floor apartment type F, E and D ceiling plastering completed
- Sump tank plastering complete up to fireroom
- 6th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 6th floor slab concrete completed
- 6th to 7th column raising completed
- 7th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 7th floor slab concrete completed
- 7th to 8th floor column raising completed
- 8th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 8th floor slab concrete completed
- 8th to 9th floor column raising completed
- 9th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 9th floor slab concrete completed
- 9th to 10th floor column raising completed
- 10th floor slab concrete completed
- 10th to 11th floor column raising completed
- 11th floor slab concrete completed
- 11th to 12th floor column raising completed
- 12th floor slab concrete completed
- 12th to 13th floor column raising completed
- 13th floor part 1 slab concrete completed
- 13th floor part 11 shuttering work in progress – 75% completed
- 3rd floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 4th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 5th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 6th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 7th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 8th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 9th floor apartment 9A,9B,9C ceiling plastering -45% completed
- 3rd floor block work setting out completed
- 4th floor block work setting out completed
- 5th floor block work setting out completed
- 6th floor block work setting out completed
- 7th floor block work setting out completed
- 8th floor 8A, 8B block work setting out completed
- 8C block work setting out -work in progress
- 3rd floor sample apartment 3E,3F wall plastering completed
- 3A and 3B wall plastering work in progress – 50% completed
- Electrical work 3rd floor – wall chasing, conduit and metal box fixing completed
- Electrical work 4th floor work in progress
- Plumbing work 3F Apartment wall chasing and pipe laying completed.
- Plumbing work 3A,3B,3C,3D&3E apartment in progress 20%
March 2023
- Earth filling completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Column raising ground floor completed
- First floor slab completed
- Column raising first floor completed
- Second floor slab completed
- Column raising second floor completed
- Third floor slab completed
- Column raising third floor completed
- Fourth floor slab completed
- Column raising fourth floor completed
- Fifth floor slab completed
- Column raising sixth slab completed
- Third floor apartment type F, E and D ceiling plastering completed
- Sump tank plastering complete up to fireroom
- 6th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 6th floor slab concrete completed
- 6th to 7th column raising completed
- 7th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 7th floor slab concrete completed
- 7th to 8th floor column raising completed
- 8th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 8th floor slab concrete completed
- 8th to 9th floor column raising completed
- 9th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 9th floor slab concrete completed
- 9th to 10th floor column raising completed
- 10th floor slab concrete completed
- 10th to 11th floor column raising completed
- 11th floor part 1 slab concrete completed
- 11th to 12th column raising part 1 – 20% completed
- 11th floor part II shuttering work in progress – 85% completed
- 3rd floor 3F Sample apartment masonry work completed
- 3rd floor 3D apartment masonry work completed
- 3rd floor 3E apartment masonry work completed
- 3rd floor 3A,3B,3C apartment masonry work completed
- 4th floor 4A,4B,4D,4E,4F apartment masonry work completed
- 5th floor 5B,5C apartment masonry work – 40% completed
- 3rd floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 4th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 5th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 6th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 7th floor apartment – ceiling plastering – 40% completed
- 3rd floor block work setting out completed
- 4th floor block work setting out completed
- 5th floor block work setting out – 5A,5B,5C – completed
- 5th floor block work setting out – 5D – 60 % completed
- Electrical work 3F Apartment- wall chasing, conduit and metal box fixing completed
- Electrical work 3A,3B,3C,3D &3E in progess 25%
- Plumbing work 3F Apartment wall chasing and pipe laying completed.
- Plumbing work 3A,3B,3C,3D&3E apartment in progress 20%
February 2023
- Earth filling completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Column raising ground floor completed
- First floor slab completed
- Column raising first floor completed
- Second floor slab completed
- Column raising second floor completed
- Third floor slab completed
- Column raising third floor completed
- Fourth floor slab completed
- Column raising fourth floor completed
- Fifth floor slab completed
- Column raising sixth slab completed
- Third floor apartment type F, E and D ceiling plastering completed
- Sump tank plastering complete up to fireroom
- 6th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 6th floor slab concrete completed
- 6th to 7th column raising completed
- 7th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 7th foor slab concrete completed
- 7th to 8th floor column raising completed
- 8th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 8th floor slab concrete completed
- 8th to 9th floor column raising completed
- 9th floor slab centering and shuttering completed
- 9th floor slab concrete completed
- 9th to 10th floor column raising completed
- 10th floor part 1 ‐ slab centering and shuttering completed
- 10th floor part 1 slab concrete completed
- 3rd floor 3F Sample apartment masonry work completed
- 3rd floor 3D apartment masonry work completed
- 3rd floor 3E apartment masonry work completed
- 3rd floor 3A,3B,3C apartment masonry work completed
- 4th floor 4D apartment masonry work completed
- 4th floor 4E apartment masonry work ‐ 60 % completed
- 3rd floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 4th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 5th floor apartment ceiling plastering completed
- 6th floor apartment ‐6A,6B ceiling plastering completed
- 6th floor apartment ‐6C ceiling plastering ‐ 50% completed
- 3rd floor block work setting out completed
- 4th floor block work setting out completed
- 5th floor block work setting out ‐ 5A,5B,5C ‐ completed
- 5th floor block work setting out ‐ 5D ‐ 50 % completed
- Electrical work 3F Apartment‐ wall chasing, conduit and metal box fixing completed
- Plumbing work 3F Apartment wall chasing and pipe laying completed.
January 2023
- 9th floor slab shuttering and centering work in progress – 50% completed
- 8th to 9th floor column raising -75% completed
- 8th floor slab concrete – completed
- Masonry work in progress – ceiling plastering & block work – 40%
- 7th Floor slab concrete completed
- Sixth floor slab concrete completed
- Fifth floor slab concrete completed
- Fourth floor slab concrete completed
- Third floor slab concrete completed
- Second floor slab concrete completed
- First floor slab concrete completed
- Column raising first floor completed
- All pile foundation works completed
- Sump tank works completed
- Column raising ground floor completed
- Earth filling completed
December 2022
- 8th floor slab concrete – 50% completed
- Masonry work in progress – 25% completed (plastering & block work)
- 7th Floor slab concrete completed – centering and shuttering
- Sixth floor slab concrete completed
- Column raising concrete in progress 50%
- Fifth floor slab concrete completed
- Fourth floor slab concrete completed
- Third floor slab 100% completed
- Second floor slab completed
- Column raising second floor 100% completed
- First floor slab completed
- Column raising first floor completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Column raising ground floor completed
- Earth filling completed
- Column raising concrete in progress 50%
November 2022
- 7th Floor slab in progress 35% completed – centering and shuttering
- Sixth floor slab concrete completed
- Column raising concrete in progress 50
- Fifth floor slab concrete completed
- Fourth floor slab concrete completed
- Third floor slab 100% completed
- Second floor slab completed
- Column raising second floor 100% completed
- First floor slab completed
- Column raising first floor completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Column raising ground floor completed
- Earth filling completed
October 2022
- Sixth floor slab centering and shuttering in progress 40%
- Column raising concrete in progress 50
- Fifth floor slab concrete completed
- Fourth floor slab concrete completed
- Third floor slab 100% completed
- Second floor slab completed
- Column raising second floor 100% completed
- First floor slab completed
- Column raising first floor completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Column raising ground floor completed
- Earth filling completed
September 2022
- Fifth floor slab centering and shuttering in progress 60 percentage completed
- Fourth floor slab concrete completed
- Third floor slab 100% completed
- Second floor slab completed
- First floor slab completed
- 4 All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Earth filling completed
- Column raising ground floor completed
- Column raising first floor completed
- Column raising second floor 100% completed
Work status as of 18th August 2022
- Fourth floor slab shuttering and centering works in progress 50% complete.
- Earth filling completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Column raising ground floor completed
- First floor slab completed
- Column raising first floor completed
- Second floor slab completed
- Column raising second floor 100% completed
- Third floor slab 100% completed
Work as of 7th July 2022
- Earth filling completed
- All pile foundation work completed
- Sump tank work completed
- Column raising ground floor completed
- First floor slab completed
- Column raising first floor completed
- Second floor slab completed
- Column raising second floor 100% completed
- Third floor slab 50% completed
Work as of 28th Jan.2022
- Earth filling completed
- Piling works 100% completed
- Pile caps 65% completed
- Ground floor column raising work 80% completed
- Sump tank completed
- Ground floor lift pit completed
- Ground floor stair well shuttering started
- Compaction of ground floor 60% completed
- First floor slab shuttering work started
- Grade beam 60% completed
- Work slow down due to omicron
Work as of 13.04.21 to 20.06.21
Lockdown and containment zone restrictions
No work done