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He is currently the Executive Director of Cordial Developers Pvt Ltd, and the Partner of Cordial Developers and Company. He has acquired rich technical and business experience of over more than 12 years in construction and real estate industry. He has worked in VSSC for tenure of 2.50 years as Senior Project Engineer at Veli, Trivandrum. He then joined Cordial Company as Assistant Manager-Projects for various Government& Real Estate Projects. He later joined Cordial Foundation Pvt ltd as Director –Technical.
His area of expertise is in the systematic execution of projects both Residential and Commercial projects in Trivandrum. He is also focused in project execution, purchase and marketing.
We would be interested to discuss further.
Karthika EVRA 431
Eshwara Vilasam Rd,
Cotton Hill School,Vazhuthacaud
Kerala, India. 695014
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